cApe Logo


A community of 10,000 Civilized Apes teeming with life.

We symbolize freedom and the possibility of a life truly lived.

Join Waitlist

Rare Digital Art

Our genesis collection is made up of 10,000 individually unique NFTs and emblazoned with over 200 traits including expression, headwear, posture, clothing, and more.

Building An Alpha Web3 community


We are on a mission to help you be the best you can be, through our in-depth courses and via consultation. Courses including (but are not limited to)

  1. Technical Analysis
  2. Product Management
  3. UI/UX Design
  4. Lead Generation
  5. Website Development
  6. Digital Marketing
  7. Branding
  8. Money Management
  9. Content Creation
  10. Career Development

Become a member and get access to first hand training and thousands of freelancing (part time and full-time) home based online jobs opportunities.

Member Only Benefits

Member Only Benefits

  1. We are creating unique member experiences and utility by forging partnerships with projects across the physical and web3 world.
  2. cApe NFT holders gain access to the Civilized Ape Town Hall where daily Alpha calls, IDO's, Degens, NFT's, Trading Signals, Coupon codes for some exclusive courses and events etc. are shared.
  3. We provide complete support and training to help you succeed and utilize your fullest potential.

Join The Waiting List


cApe Team


Project Lead


DeFi and Nft enthusiast


Social Media Manager


Master Of the Digital Arts


Software Developer

Crypto Queen

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)


Technical Analyst

Daniel (Demon slayer zapāš”)

Technical Analyst

cApe Logo

A community of 10,000 Civilized Apes teeming with life. We symbolize freedom and the possibility of a life truly lived.